
Get promoted, while you work less?

Do you recognize this? One or more employees of your team give you more headaches than assistance. Instead of relieving you, they provide you with more work.

Fortunately, that doesn't have to be the case. You, too, can work with employees who do exactly what you want them to do, so that your team's performance improves, you achieve your goals and can get promoted, while you work fewer hours.

The great thing about being a manager is that you don't have to do it alone. Because you have a team (and therefore human resources) at your disposal, you can achieve your goals relatively easily. Without having to work harder yourself. On the contrary, the better you arrange it, the easier you can achieve your goals and the less you have to do yourself.

However, it does require good Human Resources Management

Many managers do not succeed in this. For them, leading a team remains a struggle. 

As a result, they are forced to still do a lot of work themselves, which they should have been able to delegate. 

They are still regularly the point of contact for everyday matters, which prevents them from getting to what is most important for their company and their family. 

And they lie awake at night worrying about employees who give them headaches because they don't know what to do with them.

Do not worry. Things can be very different.

Just like you and your team your company's clients of their duties, I do so for managers.

I look at how their Human Resources Management is currently being organised and how this can be improved.

Because there is always room for improvement in Human Resources Management.

It's the easiest way to achieve your goals and get promoted. All you have to do is make sure that every task is assigned to the right employee in your team. 

And best of all, you don't have to do it by yourself. I can help you with that.

Together we'll determine who in your team can best take on which task. 

So that you only have to deal with things that make you such a good manager.

Because you know your team will take care of everything.

You have a lot of time to spare, because you don't have to do so much yourself. The time you have left, you can spend on fun activities with your family and friends. Often you will spontaneously come up with good ideas for your team.

You can turn those ideas into reality, because you don't have to execute them yourself. All you have to do is come up with it and together we will determine who will take care of the execution.

In the meantime, your team will continue to perform better, allowing you to achieve your goals and get promoted.

More about my background

Human Resources Management is my core business.

My name is Kenneth Horsch and I have been exclusively involved in Human Resources Management for more than 20 years.

In those  years I have relieved many managers by making sure their Human Resources Management is in order.

Kenneth Horsch, HRM strategist at 4 Eye Principle

More about my background

My name is Kenneth Horsch. During my first academic year I studied the law as well as Human Resources Management. In the course of my first year of study I set up a decor company together with an artist. That company became soon successful, so we needed staff and I couldn't do two studies in addition to that, which forced me to choose between studying the law and studying Human Resources Management. I then made the choice to study Human Resources Management, because I could immediately apply that to our staff in practice. However, my interest in the law has always remained.

When I graduated for my study Human Resources Management, I found it necessary to first learn at large employers how to apply good Human Resources Management in practice. I did manage our company's human resources, but that was mainly done through the trial and error method, so it was really a matter of failing yourself forward. I no longer wanted that. That's why I quit the decor company and learned at major employers such as KPN, Stork Fokker Elmo, Rabobank and BT (formerly known as British Telecom) how to do good Human Resources Management.

From the beginning I have known that I eventually wanted my own company again, because I am a real entrepreneur. For more than 10 years I have learned a lot from working for large employers. I wanted to share the knowledge and experience I gained there with others, so that they do not have to use the trial and error method to make themselves better at Human Resources Management. That method is so slow and costs so much time, money and negative energy that it is not exactly fun to have staff. Personnel causes a lot of hassle. While that is not the case with good Human Resources Management. Then you can earn more, while working less hard.

Because Human Resources Management is inextricably linked to employment law, I started looking for an employment law attorney I wanted to work with. Then I ended up with Ilma van Aalst. I have been working with her since 2010 and I really like that. She meets all the requirements I set for an employment law attorney. She is also very pleasant to work with.

I performed activities for many clients, including: