
Earn more, while you work less?

Do you recognize this? A lot is expected of you. Anything which has to do with personnel is automatically thrown over the fence to you. By the management, the managers as well as the employees. You are constantly engaged in ad hoc activities, executive tasks and solving problems, which means you do not get to the strategic part of HR.

Fortunately, that doesn't have to be the case. You, too, can ensure that you get to the strategic part of HR. That you can better support the management and managers, delegate HR tasks more, develop (further) into an HRM strategist and become indispensable in the boardroom.  

The great thing about HR is that you deal with so many facets of the organisation, that you can call on the help of others to help you carry out your tasks.


However, it does require that you actually do this. 

Many HR specialist do not do this enough.

They do call in the help of an employment lawyer when things get too difficult legally, but often delegate too few HR tasks to others within the organisation and generally find it difficult to call in the help of an external HR expert, who can help them perform their tasks better, making them more time for strategic HRM, and who can help them design strategic HRM.

They find it difficult to delegate and seek the help of an external HR expert. They think they should be able to do it themselves without help. 

That's a great shame. This way they will not get much further strategically.

Do not worry. Things can be very different.

HRM is very important for an organisation.  It can contribute to a more productive and cost-conscious organisation, a strong organisational structure and culture, and significant gains in both financial terms and employee loyalty, creativity and happiness. 

There are several other aspects to mention, but what matters is that HR also positions itself in such a way that the important role is claimed.

That HR becomes indispensable in the boardroom and has an influence on the organisation's strategy.

When I was an employee, I was eventually part of the boardroom. At the moment, as an external HR consultant, I am still regularly in the boardroom.

Let me be your coach to also become indispensable in the boardroom.

Let's spar together about how you deal with your time, the daily practice and how you set the right priorities. Let me take you along on how to delegate HR tasks and communicate these effectively. Make sure you can better support the management and managers, develop into an HR strategist and become indispensable in the boardroom.

You will have a lot of time to spare, because you don't have to do so much yourself. The time you have left, you can spend on creative developments in the field of strategic HR. 

In the meantime, you will develop (further) into an HR strategist, you will become indispensable in the boardroom and you will earn significantly more.

More about my background

The path you want to take, I've already taken.

My name is Kenneth Horsch and I have been working exclusively in Human Resources Management for over 20 years.

For the last ten years I have also been coaching in the field of HR, amongst whom HR specialists.

Kenneth Horsch, HRM strategist at 4 Eye Principle

More about my background

My name is Kenneth Horsch. During my first academic year I studied the law as well as Human Resources Management. In the course of my first year of study I set up a decor company together with an artist. That company became soon successful, so we needed staff and I couldn't do two studies in addition to that, which forced me to choose between studying the law and studying Human Resources Management. I then made the choice to study Human Resources Management, because I could immediately apply that to our staff in practice. However, my interest in the law has always remained.

When I graduated for my study Human Resources Management, I found it necessary to first learn at large employers how to apply good Human Resources Management in practice. I did manage our company's human resources, but that was mainly done through the trial and error method, so it was really a matter of failing yourself forward. I no longer wanted that. That's why I quit the decor company and learned at major employers such as KPN, Stork Fokker Elmo, Rabobank and BT (formerly known as British Telecom) how to do good Human Resources Management.

From the beginning I have known that I eventually wanted my own company again, because I am a real entrepreneur. For more than 10 years I have learned a lot from working for large employers. I wanted to share the knowledge and experience I gained there with other HR specialists, so that they can also make themselves indispensable in the boardroom.

Because Human Resources Management is inextricably linked to employment law, I started looking for an employment law attorney I wanted to work with. Then I ended up with Ilma van Aalst. I have been working with her since 2010 and I really like that. She meets all the requirements I set for an employment law attorney. She is also very pleasant to work with.

I performed activities for many clients, including: